The chances of being involved in a road accident are set to increase across the UK amid the end of daylight saving time.
While the switch back to Greenwich Mean Time acts as an introduction to the winter season, it also has an impact on road safety. The chances of having a car or road related accident rise by 10-15% during this time, with most collisions occurring between 16:00-20:00.
Rush hour, now also infamously referred to as crash hour, sees a higher volume of traffic than any other hour of the day.
According to insurethebox, motorists are 36% more likely to be involved in a collision between the hours of 17:00-20:00, and 8% more likely during the morning rush. This raises the risk to a total of 44% during these busy periods.
As a result, officials are asking all road users to look out for one another in order to stay safe during the darker months. Motorists should carefully watch their speed, check that all exterior lights are working and ensure that windows are kept clean. Additionally, it’s important to avoid driving tired.
Cyclists are required to wear high-visibility clothing and attach lights to their bikes. They’re also encouraged to make use of cycle lanes and to sound their bell when necessary.
Meanwhile, pedestrians are advised to wear reflective clothing and to use crossings where possible, checking twice for any oncoming cyclists.
Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall, said: “The darker nights have drawn in quickly and most of us will not be acclimated to driving in the dark yet. The message is simple: stay safe and drive to the conditions of the road.”
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